Wednesday, March 25, 2015

FC (June 25!! 45 Class Days Left)

So we have 45 more class days left. FORTY-FIVE MORE DAYS. I don't know if I'm more excited to graduate or more nervous to be starting life on my own. It could just be me but I feel like everything is coming on so fast. We're about to be young adults contributing to society, making our own decisions, creating a foundation for our lives. I don't think of college anymore and think about the parties or the freedom; all I see now are term papers, long nights and a million syllabuses. I'm nervous. Extremely nervous. I don't know what to expect. Is it like starting over again in high school, expecting a world of change but only being faced with minor and only few major challenges? Or is it completely different? Being surrounded by a bunch of people who don't hold your best interest in mind? Does anybody care? Will I have the same support group?

On the flip side I don't want to leave high school. Despite the fact that I stay with the same handful of people I'm going to miss the environment, the sense of young irresponsibility and happy-go-luckiness. College just seems so formal. Yes TMA may have given me its best and worst but overall it was fun. I enjoyed the experiences and I'm just not ready for it to be over yet. It was so easy. I have over a month left and I already feel like I left and I'm counting down the days until August. Maybe I'm over thinking it. I might be the only one that's going to miss the company of my classmates but a small part of me doesn't want to let go just yet. I feel like I could use another month or so.

But with all of these conflicting feelings I'm also ready to walk across the stage in June and not look back at anybody that may or may not be graduating with me. I'm fully ready to leave and never hear from TMA again. Except for Lavonnie though, that's my vannieb!

Not quite sure if this is a farewell or a cry for more time. Either way I think I'm ready to go...

Tuesday, March 10, 2015


    "Little girl with the press and curl
    Age eight, I got a Jheri curl
    Thirteen, and I got a relaxer
    I was the source of so much laughter
    At fifteen when it all broke off
    Eighteen and went all natural"

    So this song is called 'I am Not My Hair" by India Arie. I get the song it's very nice it pretty much speaks on how a young black girls hair shouldn't be the source of criticism and judgement on who she is and your hair doesn't have o be bone straight for it to look and be considered nice. That's nice and all but, speaking for myself, I think it's safe to say that I m my hair. For anybody that knows me they know that my hair changes more than anything. It may just be the very things about me that speaks out the most. I can very easily be judge by my hair of the day. I do my hair based on how I feel when I wake up or before I go to sleep. If I get up and don't feel too nice then my hair won't look nice. It's probably gonna be in a presentable bun, ponytail, or braid of some sort that simple and not too extravagant. On other days when I'm Feeling Myself (Beyonce voice) my hair be laiddd. Idc my hair speaks for me. My edges be on fleek everything looks right I'm usually in a good mood and I know I look nice. I like my hair best in a weave (no not because I don't appreciate my natural hair) but because its manageable. I get up brush it probably flat iron it a little and I'm good to go. everybody always asks me why I don't wear my natural hair out.
    "Why you don't like it?" "Is it nappy?" "Is it short?" Like nooooo I just don't like having to deal with it. I love my natural hair and the beauty of it. One day it can be curly and the next it can be straight but I don't see anybody volunteering to do that for me. During the summer I wear my natural hair out the most. I let it get wet and everything all that's going to happen is my curls are going to reset. I hate when people ask me that question like do you think I cut all my hair off to go natural just to not like it NO. I love it
    I respect India Arie's song it's nice. It expresses to society that they should accept natural hair and hair of all textures but me I AM MY HAIR. My hair speaks, it speaks for me.

ID Physics Class

     Interdisciplinary... So in my physics class we're always doing something different, Ms. Hudson moves so quickly between subjects and there's just so much to cover. Right now we're working on air resistance, it might just be the easiest subject in her class this year. It's pretty much the rule of whatever force is being put onto an object there'll always be a force objecting it. In this case we're focusing on the different forces of air, why some things fall faster than others and how speed does this. I find this subject to be interesting because before the thought of physics and the study of why and how things happen when you fall or drop something you just think of it as this thing is falling because there's nothing underneath it to hold it up; but of course this is wrong, that's where air resistance comes in. Gravity is what holds everything down, it's a natural pull that brings everything towards the core of the earth, opposing that is air resistance: what pushes everything back up.
     I know it seems like I'm about to get into the science of everything but I'm not. Once you learn the truth behind something you ever wonder what life would be like without it. If there was not gravity and only air resistance nothing in the world would sag. Nobody would get wrinkles and saggy nipples. You could drink soda without a cup and stoners would be able to do the best smoke tricks. If everything just floated how do you spit or use the bathroom? Like imagine being an astronaut or something and you go to the bathroom to doo-doo it's just gonna float. How do you get rid of the smell if everything is just allowed to freely float in the atmosphere? That's nasty, thank God for gravity and that we dont live in a vacuum (the correct term for an atmosphere with no gravitational pull). Well anyway that's physics class, where we learn about why stuff falls.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Trigga (Passion Blog)

So anybody that really and truly knows me knows how much I absolutely love Trey Songz. I'm not quite a fan because it’s stronger than that but I'm not crazy. From a first glance everybody thinks it’s his looks that I like but it's not his it's his music. To be able to listen to someone and every word flows straight from them to you is a wonderful thing. Yes I'm aware that everybody has a favorite celebrity but it's never the same. I'm the type of person that will argue until the end of the earth if he's the topic. I know almost everything about him. I'm the first person sitting, ready and anticipating to buy my meet-and-greet ticket. Once I even bought a ticket to two different shows to see him twice! But it's different it's not the same celebrity-fan connection. There's a song, an album, a mix tape, a single or something that I know I can turn on to suite any mood I'm in. There's 'Bottoms Up' if I want to have a good time, 'Your Side of the Bed' if I'm not in the best mood and so on, there’s always something to make me feel better. Everyday I’m reminded of the 14 year age difference but he’ll never get old to me. Of course in reality I know that there won’t be any type of relationship that conjures up from my dedication to him but that was never really the point or the goal. It’s just something, some indescribable, completely obvious, annoyingly hidden feeling that comes from listening to his music. It’s there for me to understand myself but impossible to explain to someone else. His lyrics wrap around me like a baby in its plushiest blanket. A feeling that I can write about for days but no words can fit it adequately, which is exactly why no one understands the excitement that fills me whenever I hear or speak on him. But that’s fine because it’s not meant for anyone else but myself… 

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Jealousy (SSR)

"Jealousy is just love and hate at the same." Jealousy is a crazy topic.

To love is to be completely and utterly amazed by a person or thing that you can't even bare to understand it all. To love a person has to apply a great amount of effort and focus on one thing. You have to know, feel, and understand this one thing until it becomes a second nature to you. To love or be in love someone has to posses a certain amount of feelings that puts this other thing at the basis of their lives. Not everyone can love and not everyone can hate. Hate is the exact opposite of love. Just as strong but even more dangerous, to hate you have to sit somewhere and ponder on one thing but with a negative feeling.

This is why I don't understand jealousy. In order to be jealous you first have to know what it is about a person that you like. Something about them that you absolutely love. Then you have to hate it. You have to want it for yourself so bad that it makes you mad. Isn't that tiring? How don't you get over it? How can somebody sit there and study somebody to the point that they're mad. Who does that? Who has the time for that?

I guess I can understand not liking somebody. OK that person annoys you or you just don't like them for some reason. That's fine. Or even to like somebody, you like their style or what they do. But to be jealous? How? That's too many feelings, too much effort into one thing. And then to not know whether or not you even like it. You don't know if you hate them or if you wanna be them. I don't get it. Drake probably summed it up perfectly but that's just to much for me.

Friends (PB)

I remember when there was a time that I called anybody I spoke to my friend. If you made me laugh you was my friend. If we liked the same music you were my friend. If we had the same favorite color you was my friend. There was a simpler time when any type of similarity made you my friend. During this time I had A LOT of friends. Everybody was my friend, at least that's what I thought. Only a few years ago I had a boatload of friends. Today I pretty much stand alone. There may be a few people I talk to everyday but who's really my friend? How do you even define a friend?

This is a time where the same "friend" who you would exchange deep secrets with is the same "friend" that would defame your name. The hardest challenge is probably knowing who is really your friend and who is just around for the time being. I have had friends that made new friends and completely left me out of the equation. After these friends I had a friend who helped defend me against those old friends. As time went on that same new friend became a new enemy.

Having gone through this I wonder if the people with me now are even my real friends. Who's going to be there 10 years from now? Who's going to be here 10 days from now? But worrying about this also makes me wonder if this is a "live in the moment" lesson. Should I be worried about where my peers are in the future or have fun with the ones with me today?

Friday, October 17, 2014

C is for Che'Zelle (FC)

C is for Che'Zelle. This is MY blog where I'm gonna say what I want (within Hegeman's guidelines). I'm 16, my birthday is January 31st and I love, love, love, Trey Songz. That's the only celebrity that I like other than Derrick Rose. I hope to be an accountant or a sports therapist, or even a dentist. I'm in high school, 12th grade, and I hate it. I've been in school since was 2 and now when I'm in the last year of grade school everything wants to be all crazy. I have work piled up to my chin and a social life to maintain. being the social butterfly that I am I choose what doesn't matter over what does. growing up is really taking a toll on me. I'm soo not prepared for what"s coming ahead, except I am. I'm juggling more than the average student so I feel like I'm prepared but I can barely manage so I feel like I'm not. School is just horrible. Like what's the point of school. I learn more LIFE LESSONS out of school than in school. If I'm preparing for school shouldn't they teach me about LIFE? Not how to learn the acceleration of a sonnet that was written by George Bush when he tried to pass a bill but got shot so I now I have to figure out the crime scene.

I just don't get it. Nothing really benefits me because I have not use for it outside of school. But then  again an education is key. Without an eduction what is life? I can't see to understand how people live a life that's unfulfilled. In today's day and age education leads to money, which helps you succeed, which brings on a better life.

And that's my motivation, a better life.