So we have 45 more class days left. FORTY-FIVE MORE DAYS. I don't know if I'm more excited to graduate or more nervous to be starting life on my own. It could just be me but I feel like everything is coming on so fast. We're about to be young adults contributing to society, making our own decisions, creating a foundation for our lives. I don't think of college anymore and think about the parties or the freedom; all I see now are term papers, long nights and a million syllabuses. I'm nervous. Extremely nervous. I don't know what to expect. Is it like starting over again in high school, expecting a world of change but only being faced with minor and only few major challenges? Or is it completely different? Being surrounded by a bunch of people who don't hold your best interest in mind? Does anybody care? Will I have the same support group?
On the flip side I don't want to leave high school. Despite the fact that I stay with the same handful of people I'm going to miss the environment, the sense of young irresponsibility and happy-go-luckiness. College just seems so formal. Yes TMA may have given me its best and worst but overall it was fun. I enjoyed the experiences and I'm just not ready for it to be over yet. It was so easy. I have over a month left and I already feel like I left and I'm counting down the days until August. Maybe I'm over thinking it. I might be the only one that's going to miss the company of my classmates but a small part of me doesn't want to let go just yet. I feel like I could use another month or so.
But with all of these conflicting feelings I'm also ready to walk across the stage in June and not look back at anybody that may or may not be graduating with me. I'm fully ready to leave and never hear from TMA again. Except for Lavonnie though, that's my vannieb!
Not quite sure if this is a farewell or a cry for more time. Either way I think I'm ready to go...
I'm excited to leave TMA. I hope that although everyone is going to different schools we all keep in contact when we go to school